Bernstine Announces Grant for Butler County Area Vocational-Technical School

November 29, 2018

HARRISBURG – Rep. Aaron Bernstine (R-Beaver/Butler/Lawrence) today announced a $6,500 grant has been awarded to Butler County Area Vocational Technical School (AVTS) for the purchase of new equipment aligned to training students in high-demand occupations.

Awarded by the Department of Education, the grants will be used for the purchase of an engine lathe and tooling set. The new equipment will be used to support the machine technology program. The funding must be matched dollar-for-dollar at the local level.

“The future of our local, state and national economies depend on having highly qualified, job-ready workers,” Bernstine said. “This grant will help many Butler County students learn the latest trade skills needed to be successful in our region’s evolving labor force.”

Butler County AVTS is one of 38 career and technical centers and area vocational technical schools in the Commonwealth to receive funding through the competitive grant program.

The General Assembly has made technical education a priority this session, adopting two new laws aimed at improving these options for students. Act 39 of 2018 provided an additional $30 million in funding for career and technical education, as well as updated vocational instructional certification requirements to help attract more qualified career and technical educators. Act 158 of 2018 offers alternative pathways to graduation when the state implements Keystone Exams as a graduation requirement. The law would allow for alternative ways for students to demonstrate their graduation readiness.

Butler County AVTS provides 15 programs of study to students in grades 10-12 from the seven Butler County school districts.

Representative Aaron Bernstine
10th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Abbey Haslam
717.260.6222 /

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