Bernstine Announces $460,000 to Improve Drinking Water in Wampum

July 21, 2017

HARRISBURG – Rep. Aaron Bernstine (R-Beaver/Butler/Lawrence) announced today that $460,000 in state funding from the Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority (PennVEST) will allow Wampum Borough in Lawrence County to move forward with its plans to improve municipal drinking water.

“The quality of water in Wampum has been an issue for many years,” Bernstine said. “I was happy to work with the local elected officials, as well as the state, to expedite the process of this grant. Nobody should go without quality water. This issue is finally on its way to being resolved.”

The loan, which includes a 1 percent interest rate and a 240-month term, was approved this week by the PennVEST Board of Directors.

“Water filtration systems are very expensive and place a tremendous financial burden on small communities. The state’s investment here in Wampum will protect our residents’ water supply and ensure local ratepayers don’t have to shoulder all the cost of the upgrades,” Bernstine said.

The project includes the construction of a supplemental drinking water filtration system, monitoring equipment and a small building at each entry point to house the monitoring equipment.

“Not only do these projects help improve Pennsylvania’s environment and the health of its citizens, but they also provide opportunities for economic growth and jobs for Pennsylvania workers,” Bernstine added.

PennVEST helps communities and citizens of Pennsylvania by funding sewer, storm water and drinking water projects throughout the Commonwealth.

Representative Aaron Bernstine
10th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Abbey Haslam
717.260.6222 /

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