Bernstine Announces Weekly Veterans Assistance Outreach in Ellwood City Office

January 5, 2017

ELLWOOD CITY – Rep. Aaron Bernstine (R-Beaver/Butler/Lawrence) will begin hosting veterans assistance hours every week at his district office in Ellwood City.

Jesse Putnam, service officer with the Lawrence County Department of Veterans Affairs, will be available every Thursday at the office, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Walk-ins are welcome. Appointments can be made on Thursdays outside those times by calling Bernstine’s office at (724) 752-2120.

“We’re happy to partner with the Lawrence County Department of Veterans Affairs to aid our veterans in the 10th Legislative District,” said Bernstine. “Military veterans have done so much for our country. This is just one small way we can show our appreciation. I hope veterans and their families will take advantage of this service.”

Some of the services that can be provided to veterans and their dependents at this outreach include assistance in determining eligibility for state benefits, such as real estate tax exemption, educational gratuity, Persian Gulf Bonus Program, veterans temporary assistance program and more, as well as assistance with VA health care and benefits enrollment. Veterans do not need to be a member of any service organization to participate.

Bernstine’s district office is located at 438 Line Ave., Ellwood City. For additional information about any of his legislative events or constituent outreach services, contact his district office at (724) 752-2120, or visit or

Representative Aaron Bernstine
10th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Abbey Haslam
717.260.6222 /

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