State Low-Interest Loan to Help North Sewickley Township Fire Department Purchase Truck, Says Bernstine

April 19, 2017

BEAVER FALLS – State Rep. Aaron Bernstine (R-New Beaver) announced today that Pennsylvania’s Volunteer Loan Assistance Program has approved a $200,000 low-interest loan for the North Sewickley Township Volunteer Fire Department. The company will use the 2 percent loan toward the purchase of a 2015 rescue pumper.

“When there is an emergency in our homes or communities, we call 911 and expect our volunteers to quickly respond in up-to-date equipment and take care of the problem,” said Bernstine. “But, how often do we think about the huge financial burden all that equipment places on them? That’s why the state loan program was established more than 40 years ago to assist our volunteer companies in making these critical equipment purchases.”

Since its creation by the Legislature in 1976, the Volunteer Loan Assistance Program has provided more than $408 million in low-interest loans to volunteer emergency services community across Pennsylvania.

Bernstine encourages other area volunteer fire companies to learn more details about the loan program by visiting the Office of the State Fire Commissioner’s website at

Representative Aaron Bernstine
10th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Diane Moore
717.772.9844 /

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