Straight to the Point… A Satirical Look at Legislation with Rep. Aaron Bernstine
State Rep. Joe D’Orsie gets Straight to the Point with Rep. Aaron Bernstine – A tongue-in-cheek take on legislation proposed in the State House.
State Rep. Joe D’Orsie gets Straight to the Point with Rep. Aaron Bernstine – A tongue-in-cheek take on legislation proposed in the State House.
In an effort to help constituents with state government-related issues, provide district updates, garner feedback, pending legislation and relay the role of our offices, Rep. Aaron Bernstine hosted a telephone town hall meet on Tuesday, March 21. The meeting was an opportunity for constituents to participate from the comfort of their own home to share thoughts and concerns.
In this edition of "On Target," PA House Second Amendment Caucus Chairman Matthew Dowling welcomes Rep. Aaron Bernstine (R-Beaver/Butler/Lawrence) for a discussion of his proposed “constitutional carry” bill that would put an end to the requirement for a law-abiding citizen to obtain a permit to carry a concealed firearm within the Commonwealth. A permit would be made available to those who wish to obtain it for purposes of carrying outside the state.
Rep. Aaron Bernstine was interviewed about his plan for separate state championship brackets for PIAA Playoffs on WLLF Sports Radio, Monday June 24. Rep. Bernstine's Parity in Interscholastic Athletics Act, would create separate brackets for high school sports playoffs. Rep. Bernstine said the legislation is seen as a solution to fairness and equity issues that have been observed within the structure of the current state scholastic sports playoff system.
Rep. Aaron Bernstine interviewed about his plan for separate state championship brackets for PIAA Playoffs on WFNN Erie Sports Radio by host Jack Quinn on Thursday June 13. Rep. Bernstine's Parity in Interscholastic Athletics Act, would create separate brackets for high school sports playoffs. Rep. Bernstine said the legislation is seen as a solution to fairness and equity issues that have been observed within the structure of the current state scholastic sports playoff system.
Rep. Aaron Bernstine was interviewed about his plan for separate state championship brackets for PIAA Playoffs on WPGP Radio's John Steigerwald Show on Tuesday June 11. Rep. Bernstine's Parity in Interscholastic Athletics Act, would create separate brackets for high school sports playoffs. Rep. Bernstine said the legislation is seen as a solution to fairness and equity issues that have been observed within the structure of the current state scholastic sports playoff system.
Following months of negotiations, stakeholders representing public and nonpublic schools in Pennsylvania joined Rep. Aaron Bernstine (R-Beaver/Butler/Lawrence) on Tuesday to unveil the Parity in Interscholastic Athletics Act, legislation to create separate brackets for high school sports playoffs. Rep. Bernstine said the legislation is seen as a solution to fairness and equity issues that have been observed within the structure of the current state scholastic sports playoff system.
Rep. Aaron Bernstine (R-Lawernce, Beaver & Butler) was interviewed on WJAS Radio's BloomDaddie program on Tuesday May 14, 2019 about House Bill 1412, which would allow "constitutional carry" of firearms in Pennsylvania, without a specific sheriff's department issued license for concealed carry of a firearm.
KDKA radio's Lynne Hayes-Freeland interviewed Rep. Aaron Bernstine (R-Lawernce, Beaver & Butler) on Tuesday May 14, 2019 about his proposed legislation, House Bill 1412, which would allow "constitutional carry" of firearms in Pennsylvania, without a specific sheriff's department issued license for concealed carry of a firearm.
KDKA radio's John Shumway interviewed Rep. Aaron Bernstine (R-Lawernce, Beaver & Butler) on Tuesday May 14, 2019 about his proposed legislation, House Bill 1412, which would allow "constitutional carry" of firearms in Pennsylvania, without a specific sheriff's department issued license for concealed carry of a firearm.
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